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Participating in sporting activity in the presence of external light sources such as the sun or bright light facility lighting can be stressful especially for athletes. Moreover, according to most lovers of sports, it is the potential reason for performance errors.

a. What is glare

Two types of glare effects can result in disruption of performance. Namely,

•Discomfort glare – shielding one’s eye or the urge to look away
•Disability glare – a more serious issue that leads to loss of visibility of particular objects

b. Effect of glare for athletes

Some of the objects that an athlete may not see include those that have low contrast relative to the background, for example, a white ball in a background of fans wearing light-colored attire. Other factors may include the angle as well as the spectral distribution of light. It is in this regard innovative anti-glare solutions have since been introduced to both pro and amateur athletes to ensure the effects of glare is limited.

Anti-glare lighting is one such innovation that has significantly played part in helping sports people compete in ideal lighting environment. This is an expert light distribution technology with stable lighting performance. And, apart from the benefits of “friendly lighting”, anti-glare lighting is more energy efficient and also good for the cameras.

The technology is scrutinized, designed, and built to reduce glare and provide balanced, comfortable lighting in the pitch. It comes with adjustable illumination field and an anti-glare system, which reduces stadium-operating costs and provides a stable lighting performance.

Apart from the athlete perspective – anti-glare lighting for athletes, there is also the perspective of the spectator. It delivers a great entertainment experience without witnessing lighting issues during play. User experience is key in every sporting event and it is, for this reason, stadiums should focus their energy on investing in the ideal glare-free lighting system. The lighting systems come in various sizes and prices depending on space and budget as well. Seek the advice from our engineers for more insight on anti-glares lighting units before purchase.

Anti-glare Illumination for Sports Players

Anti-glare Illumination for Sports Players
